Security is a non-negotiable value

For Petrocoque, safety is a value, therefore, our standards and operating procedures follow Brazilian and international safety standards and our employees know and comply with internal guidelines that prevent the occurrence of accidents. We have and disseminate the safety manual and the procedures for emergency response as well as for the assessment of hazards and risks.
In addition to the safety rules and manual, we have the 10 Golden Rules, which are attitudes that save lives. The Golden Rules, the Safety manual, the operating procedures and the work instructions establish the general health and safety guidelines and rules applicable to employees and collaborators.
All the plant's calcining units have adequate infrastructure, allowing them to carry out operational activities safely. To ensure the continuous identification of hazards, risk assessment and definition of necessary controls, daily maintenance activities are only carried out with the release of work permits after analyzing site conditions and its safety.
With proper guidance, all employees use personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the activities performed.
In case of emergencies, we follow incident response plans and procedures, making it possible to avoid or mitigate their consequences. We care about life, as well as the safety of our employees and surrounding communities, in addition to preserving the environment.

Petrocoque is part of PAM (Mutual Assistance Plan) Cubatão, officially founded in 1977 and whose objective is the protection of human life and the preservation of heritage and the environment.
PAM is formed by the union of Fire Brigades from companies in the Industrial Pole, and it is led by the city's Fire Department.